This is an entry for a so-called publicity still. It's (very likely or proven) just a picture for promotion reasons since there is no spanking scene in the movie itself (or it has been cut).

- TITLE: Spiel mir am Glied bis zum Tod
- Country: GERMANY
- YEAR: 2014
- SPANKEE: Michaela Krzyzowska
- AGE 19 (born 1995-07-25)
- SPANKER: Ralf Richter(?)
- How:: OTK, hand
Well... there's no actual spanking scene in the film. During the opening credits, there are a series of still images, depicting the main characters' antics in some form of prison, before the film's beginning (as best I can understand, and yes, I watched this entire film in a language that I mostly don't comprehend
