Spiel mir am Glied bis zum Tod (2014)

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Spiel mir am Glied bis zum Tod (2014)

Post by mchris4930 »

Start of edit by Chross
This is an entry for a so-called publicity still. It's (very likely or proven) just a picture for promotion reasons since there is no spanking scene in the movie itself (or it has been cut).
  • TITLE: Spiel mir am Glied bis zum Tod
  • Country: GERMANY
  • YEAR: 2014
  • SPANKEE: Michaela Krzyzowska
  • AGE 19 (born 1995-07-25)
  • SPANKER: Ralf Richter(?)
  • How:: OTK, hand
End of Edit by Chross

Well... there's no actual spanking scene in the film. During the opening credits, there are a series of still images, depicting the main characters' antics in some form of prison, before the film's beginning (as best I can understand, and yes, I watched this entire film in a language that I mostly don't comprehend :lol: ). One of the images is of Michaela Krzyzowska getting an otk spanking, another is Alina Lina being whipped. I'll include all of the images, which are way more amusing than the story presented in the actual film.


imdb: https://www.imdb.com/de/title/tt7612436/
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Re: Spiel mir am Glied bis zum Tod (2014)

Post by Chross »

Well, how do we file this?
I guess the closest category would be a publicity stunt I guess!

A worst case of German low budget I guess.

"Spiel mir am Glied bis zum Tod" is by the way a parody of "Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod" - the German title of the Sergio Leone classic "Once Upon a Time in the West" / C'era una volta il West

"Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod" = "Play to me the song of death"
"Spiel mir am Glied bis zum Tod" = Play with my dick till I die"
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