Ikki Tousen (Japanese: 一騎当千, Hepburn: Ikkitōsen, lit. "A Mighty Knight Who Matches a Thousand Knights"), also known as Battle Vixens in North America, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yūji Shiozaki. Loosely based on the classic 14th century Chinese novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the series revolves around an all-out turf war in the Kantō region of Japan where fighters known as Tōshi (闘士, meaning "fighting soldier") from seven schools battle for supremacy. The story centers on Hakufu Sonsaku, a fighter who transfers to Nanyo Academy, one of the seven schools involved in the turf war.
Source: Wikipedia
There are several anime versions of this maga, so it's unclear which one this is from (not the first one though). It is supposed from Episode 9 though. Sonsaku Hafuku is the one character that is getting spanked in a number of them though.
In this case Sonsaku Hakufu is rude to her strict and highly unpredicatble mother Goei who promptly takes her daughter over her lap for a spanking
Clip: https://www.bitchute.com/video/TcJQBsHYiHbR/
Re: Ikkitousen
Well, here grandmother is at it again in this - probably earlier version of the anime - of Ikkitousen, Ep.4
Clip: https://www.bitchute.com/video/X3T2s2Mgocjy/
Clip: https://www.bitchute.com/video/X3T2s2Mgocjy/