Drei Schwedinnen auf der Reeperbahn (1980)

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Drei Schwedinnen auf der Reeperbahn (1980)

Post by Chross »

This is a scene from a movie your parents wouldn't have approved of (sleaze, softcore and such).
  • TITLE: Drei Schwedinnen auf der Reeperbahn
  • AKA: Auf St. Pauli ist die Hölle los
  • ENGLISH TITLE: Three Swedish Girls in Hamburg
  • TYPE: Sleaze / Exploitation
  • YEAR: 1980
  • SPANKEE: Gina Janssen
  • AGE AT PRODUCTION: 27 (born 1953-01-14)
  • SPANKER: Carlos Stafford
  • HOW: over shoulder, hand
  • NOT SPANKED: Tanja Scholl
  • INTENSITY: light
  • CLOTHING: nude
My rating: 2 / 5

Hardly a spanking, but then earlier there's an additional scene: Tanja Scholl wants to seduce her teacher (at his home), but then decides to flee the scene naked before the teacher even arrives. He sees her escape and tells his house keeper that he's going to find out who she was and then give her a hard spanking. The house keeper is delighted.
However, although the girl appears at his home later on and undresses more or less right before him, he fails to fulfill that promise - in spite of this golden opportunity. Shame!


Clip: https://sendvid.com/42yhukzn
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080660/
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